
Contact us to get your life back on track


Test results can take up to a week (or more) depending on the tests ordered by the doctor. In the event your results require follow up the practice will contact you via SMS and ask you to make an appointment. If you haven’t read or responded to this SMS we will call and finally mail a letter.

If you have not heard from us and would like to check if your results have returned you are welcome to call our results line on 8197 1125 to speak with one of our staff. The results line is active Monday to Friday 1 pm to 2 pm only.

Call Results Line 8197 1125

We welcome your feedback

We take your concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously. If you have any concerns we would like to hear about them. Please call the practice on 02 9699 8111 during business hours and ask to speak to the practice manager.

Call 02 9699 8111

Green Square Health
4/965 Bourke Street, Waterloo NSW 2017

Phone: 02 9699 8111

Healthlink: gshealth

Save our details: Click here

For urgent medical care please present to your nearest emergency department.

If you are an existing patient of the practice and require after-hours medical assistance of a non-urgent nature, please call 02 9184 0988  for a telehealth consultation with the GP on call. A private, non-rebatable fee of $255.00 applies for all after-hours telehealth consultations.

Email: We prefer not to communicate via email due to the risks associated with unencrypted email. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.