Dr Christopher Muir
At GSHealth our team is growing to include Specialists in fields that are most useful to our growing population of patients.
Medical and surgical Specialists differ to Specialist General Practitioners in that they generally require a referral for an appointment if you are to receive a rebate from Medicare, or from your private health insurance if you don’t have a Medicare card.
The benefit of having Specialists at the practice means that there is an improved process for seeing patients sooner when they need it, and improved collaboration and communication between your treating GP and your Specialist. However, our Specialists also hold positions in the public hospital system, and often at other sites as well, meaning they can offer a variety of services through a variety of facilities if need be.
We also accept external referrals for people who aren’t regular patients of GSHealth, and we make the process streamlined by enabling online bookings for specialists, having onsite pathology and nursing access, and use of secure messaging to return letters to your referring doctor within seven days.
Gastroenterology is the specialty that deals with issues of the gastrointestinal system and liver, and includes conditions such as (but not limited to);
Endocrinology is the specialty dealing with the body’s hormonal systems, and includes conditions such as (but not limited to);
Book an Appointment Today
You can book an appointment by clicking the book appointment button at the top of this website, and selecting the specialist you would like to see.
Ensure you click initial appointment if this is your first time seeing this specialist.
If you have a referral letter, click yes, and you will be asked later to upload your referral. You can book without a referral letter but you will not be eligible to receive a rebate.
Fill in the details of your referring doctor, then upload the referral letter (you can use your phone camera if using a mobile device to book).
You will be asked for your card information as part of the booking process.
The benefit of booking online is that you can see all the available times without back and forth over the phone, and you can book when you are free (even if this means out of hours).
However if you are having difficulty or prefer to talk to someone, our lovely staff can help you over the phone on 02 9699 8111.
After your specialist has seen you and formulated a plan, they will prepare a letter to go to your referring doctor.
Sometimes this will occur after the first visit, but other times it will be after a second or subsequent visit if there is specific testing required to develop a diagnosis and plan.
Once this has occured we endeavour to get the letter to your doctor within 7 days, ideally through secure messaging such as healthlink, or via fax/post if necessary.