Something changed in the way we help our patients, and it came without much fanfare. But it’s something that GPs, practices and patients should be quite excited about because it actually can make life a lot easier.
For patients with a Health Identifier (or simply, if you have a medicare card) we’re able to deliver your script to you electronically, instead of on paper.
The advantages are;
- less paper waste
- script token is on your device which can be secured however you lock your phone
- repeats are sent back to your phone from the pharmacy – so you don’t lose those little fiddly repeat scripts
How do e-scripts work at GSHealth?
Your doctor will ask if you prefer your script to be sent electronically. We ensure your email address is correct, then we press the eScript button instead of print.
You should receive an email with a link, and clicking this link opens a page on your browser with a QR code token.
Show this to your pharmacy of choice, and it’s dispensed to you as it normally would be.
Once that’s done, you will receive your repeat token via SMS or email.
If via SMS – add that contact to your phone under “prescriptions” or something easy to remember.
If via email – I suggest creating a rule in your email client to add a tag or filter so you can easily find your repeats.
I’m in! How do I do it?
Sometimes old habits are hard to break. Your doctor (myself included) goes straight to the print button. If you remember, ask if we can do e-scripts for you instead.
One day, I’d love to be able to send pathology requests electronically as well. We often want people to do a checkup test in 3, 6, or 12 months, and give them a printed request when we see them. But I know I’d probably lose it by then. So what usually happens is you call the clinic, someone asks the doctor or nurse, and whatever it is they were doing, they re-print it, then when they call you back it’s a bad time, etc etc.
An electronic script for this would be amazing – so big path – I hope you’re listening.